The greatest love story of all time. Sounds like the kind of romance novel I want to read! The truth is, it is not a fiction novel on a shelf somewhere. It is real and can be real for all of us in our own lives. This love story is that of God and His love for you and wanting a deep and beautiful relationship with you. It’s not a relationship where we give so much and get nothing in return. It is not a relationship where we are required to be something that we are not. It is not a relationship that passes judgement. It is a relationship full of love and forgiveness that people search a lifetime to find. We however, don’t have to search a lifetime because our beloved is already here. He is waiting for you with open arms. He is the father that maybe you didn’t have. He is a friend that will never leave your side. He is the relationship you are looking for.
How can I be so sure of this? I can tell you countless stories of how God has been there for me. How he has come through for me, blessed me, and healed my aching heart. He also has provided proof of this in His word as well. He says that He will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He says that we do not have to be afraid because He is with us and He strengthens us and will uphold us with His hand (Isaiah 41:10). Isn’t that the kind of relationship you want?
How beautiful that God in all of his deity would choose to robe Himself in flesh and dwell among us. But He does not stop there, He also chooses to die in order to save us. What a hero and what a beautiful love story! He died for us so we could be forgiven for all we have done and will do in the future! His death on the cross paid the ultimate price! (1 Peter 2:24-25) Then, He rose again and chose to dwell in us through His Holy Spirit so we can have an ongoing connection and relationship with Him (John 14:18-19, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4). Other religions do not have this kind of love story. Other religions have an untouchable deity that you, as a lowly human, have to work for in hopes that this deity will have grace enough to accept you. That is not Jesus’ plan and that is not how He works. His plan from the beginning of time in Genesis was to dwell among us and have a relationship with us because He loved us. The beauty of all of this is that He does not force this on us. He gives us free will to choose Him. We are not forced to worship Him but instead we choose to worship. He has made Himself approachable through Jesus when He did not have to. It is truly the greatest love story and greatest gift of all time.
This is not an ancient love story. Instead it is one that is lived out daily in the lives of those who have chosen to love Him. While He first chose us, He is a gentleman and will not force us to love Him. We must make the choice. My friends, if you have not made the choice then make it today. If you have, please do not take your love story with God for granted. Thank Him everyday for being there for you and loving you. Cultivate a deeper relationship with Him by creating open communication through prayer and learning more about Him by reading His Word. That is how relationships grow. We have open communication and we learn all that we can about our loved one.
So what do we have to do to earn this love story? All we have to do is open our hearts to love Him. That is all my friend. If you do this, your whole life will change. There is nothing we can do to earn His grace and mercy; NOTHING and how beautiful and relieving is that?
I came across a scripture passage in Philippians 2:7-8 that explains this love story so beautifully, “he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death- even death on a cross!” May you find this true love. Happy Easter my friends.