Want to be more intentional in reading the Word of God? Want to know what to actually look for and take notes on when reading scripture?
This online class is just for you! Its a one hour downloadable class packed with teaching and resources to guide you on how to take notes, highlight, and be more intentional in reading scripture so you can actually get something out of reading your Bible!
What the Class Offers
What this class includes:
- A one hour and fifteen minute class to teach you what to look for when reading scripture and what to take notes on.
-Includes two highlighting methods.
- A PDF handout that is sent along with the class with loads of notetaking information.
-Covers topics such as Bible translations, five things to look for when studying scripture, context and its importance, what to write in your Bible, what to highlight in your Bible, and much more!
-As a bonus I share my favorite Bible pens and highlighters!

Cheryl taught high school World History for seven years before becoming a stay at home mom and starting Purest Treasure Ministries. This online class combines her passion for teaching with her love for studying God's Word. Purest Treasure Ministries has allowed her to continue to teach through yearly Dwell Retreats and various speaking engagements at other churches throughout the year. She loves sharing how she has learned to study God's Word more intentionally and hopes you love learning from her as well!

"I enjoyed taking this class and learned how it doesn't have to be intimidating to dig into scripture."
"Along with the class she left us with a very helpful handout that we could print out to use as a tool in our daily Bible reading. This online class changed the way I read the Bible."
"I liked the How to Annotate Your Bible class because it was detailed about what exactly to look for when reading the Bible."